MBTI categorises personalities.
MBTI is the most consciously accurate methodology.
Our calculation logic is open-source.
Our personality test is an advanced AI.
Our personality test is extremely accurate.
Our MBTI ai personality test is forever free:
What MBTI are you?
Free personality testCategorising thoughts is a fundamental concept.
MBTI organises the type of thoughts you think into a framework.
MBTI organises your thoughts by priority of thought.
(How often you think them)
MBTI is fundamental design.
MBTI is very consciously accurate.
There are 16 fundamental personality types.
Categories of thought (Methods / Functions):
Si | Thoughts of the past | Se | Thoughts of physical surroundings |
Ni | Thoughts of your future | Ne | Thoughts of other's actions |
Ti | Logical thoughts | Te | Organisational thoughts |
Fi | Thoughts of your own feelings | Fe | Thoughts of other's feelings |
i is introverted (Subconscious)
e is extroverted (Conscious)
Priority of thought is organised into 8 main classes:
Hero class = Most common type of thought.
Parent class = 2nd in priority of thought.
Child class = 3rd in priority of thought.
Inferior class = 4th in priority of thought.
Nemesis class = 5th in priority of thought.
Critic class = 6th in priority of thought.
Trickster class = 7th in priority of thought.
Demon class = 8th in priority of thought.
Ego (Conscious) Functions | Unconscious Functions | |||||||
HERO + Access |
PARENT - Access |
CHILD + Access |
INFERIOR - Access |
NEMESIS - Access |
CRITIC - Access |
TRICKSTER - Access |
DEMON - Access |
ESTJ | Te | Si | Ne | Fi | Ti | Se | Ni | Fe |
ISTJ | Si | Te | Fi | Ne | Se | Ti | Fe | Ni |
ESTP | Se | Ti | Fe | Ni | Si | Te | Fi | Ne |
ISTP | Ti | Se | Ni | Fe | Te | Si | Ne | Fi |
ESFP | Se | Fi | Te | Ni | Si | Fe | Ti | Ne |
ISFP | Fi | Se | Ni | Te | Fe | Si | Ne | Ti |
ESFJ | Fe | Si | Ne | Ti | Fi | Se | Ni | Te |
ISFJ | Si | Fe | Ti | Ne | Se | Fi | Te | Ni |
ENTP | Ne | Ti | Fe | Si | Ni | Te | Fi | Se |
INTP | Ti | Ne | Si | Fe | Te | Ni | Se | Fi |
ENTJ | Te | Ni | Se | Fi | Ti | Ne | Si | Fe |
INTJ | Ni | Te | Fi | Se | Ne | Ti | Fe | Si |
ENFJ | Fe | Ni | Se | Ti | Fi | Ne | Si | Te |
INFJ | Ni | Fe | Ti | Se | Ne | Fi | Te | Si |
ENFP | Ne | Fi | Te | Si | Ni | Fe | Ti | Se |
INFP | Fi | Ne | Si | Te | Fe | Ni | Se | Ti |
A good MBTI psychologist:
Understands how every class+method aligns with other combinations.
(In the same personality and with other personalities)
Hero is used neutrally.
Hero is used to satisfy your child.
Parent is used negatively.
Parent is used to protect your child.
Child is used positivey.
Child is used to feel.
Inferior is used negatively.
Inferior is avoided for your hero.
Nemesis is used negatively.
Nemesis is used to protect the critic.
Critic is used negatively.
Critic is used to help the nemesis.
Trickster is used unconsciously.
Trickster is ignored for your child.
Demon is used negatively.
Demon is used to rage.
INFP | ||||||||||||||||
ENFP | ||||||||||||||||
INFJ | ||||||||||||||||
ENFJ | ||||||||||||||||
INTJ | ||||||||||||||||
ENTJ | ||||||||||||||||
INTP | ||||||||||||||||
ENTP | ||||||||||||||||
ISFJ | ||||||||||||||||
ESFJ | ||||||||||||||||
ISFP | ||||||||||||||||
ESFP | ||||||||||||||||
ISTP | ||||||||||||||||
ESTP | ||||||||||||||||
ISTJ | ||||||||||||||||
Function Relationship Information
How do your functions align with another person?
The shorter the connecting lines, the easier you will find it to connect with their functions.
MBTI is not designed to be a subconscious methodology.
MBTI does not account for subconscious feelings.
Expanding MBTI to include subconscious psychology is everything.
Why is MBTI so simple?
MBTI is conscious.
Why?Elite psychology
Your shadow is subconscious.
Show meJack Nicholson
Charity: NiseFoundation.com
"Jack, a specialized subconscious psychologist, has a highly developed understanding of the complex subconscious universe beyond the every conscious. His profound understanding of the intricate and vast subconscious gives unimaginable insight into the secrets of psychology, unconscious physics, and deep philosophy."